WGDashboard Documentation Help

🪜 Usage


This command will start WGDashboard and run it in the background.

./wgd.sh start


This command will stop WGDashboard.

./wgd.sh stop


This command will stop and start WGDashboard in the background.

./wgd.sh restart

Debug Mode

This command will run WGDashboard in the foreground and output logs on the screen.

./wgd.sh debug

Run WGDashboard as a system service

In the src folder, it contained a file called wg-dashboard.service, we can use this file to let our system autostart the dashboard after reboot. The following guide has tested on Ubuntu, most Debian based OS might be the same, but some might not. Please don't hesitate to provide your system if you have tested the autostart on another system.

  1. Changing the directory to the dashboard's directory

    cd WGDashboard/src
  2. Get the full path of the dashboard's directory

    pwd #Output: /root/WGDashboard/src

    For this example, the output is /root/wireguard-dashboard/src, your path might be different since it depends on where you downloaded the dashboard in the first place. Copy the the output to somewhere, we will need this in the next step.

  3. Edit the service file, the service file is located in wireguard-dashboard/src, you can use other editor you like, here will be using nano

    nano wg-dashboard.service

    You will see something like this:

    [Unit] After=syslog.target network-online.target Wants=wg-quick.target ConditionPathIsDirectory=/etc/wireguard [Service] Type=forking PIDFile=<absolute_path_of_WGDashboard_src>/gunicorn.pid WorkingDirectory=<absolute_path_of_WGDashboard_src> ExecStart=<absolute_path_of_WGDashboard_src>/wgd.sh start ExecStop=<absolute_path_of_WGDashboard_src>/wgd.sh stop ExecReload=<absolute_path_of_WGDashboard_src>/wgd.sh restart TimeoutSec=120 PrivateTmp=yes Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

    Now, we need to replace all <absolute_path_of_WGDashboard_src> to the one you just copied from step 2. After doing this, the file will become something like this, your file might be different:

    Be aware that after the value of WorkingDirectory, it does not have a / (slash). And then save the file after you edited it

  4. Copy the service file to systemd folder

    $ sudo cp wg-dashboard.service /etc/systemd/system/wg-dashboard.service

    To make sure you copy the file successfully, you can use this command cat /etc/systemd/system/wg-dashboard.service to see if it will output the file you just edited.

  5. Enable the service

    $ sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/wg-dashboard.service $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload $ sudo systemctl enable wg-dashboard.service $ sudo systemctl start wg-dashboard.service # <-- To start the service
  6. Check if the service run correctly

    $ sudo systemctl status wg-dashboard.service

    And you should see something like this

    ● wg-dashboard.service Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/wg-dashboard.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-08-14 22:21:47 EDT; 55s ago Process: 494968 ExecStart=/root/WGDashboard/src/wgd.sh start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 495005 (gunicorn) Tasks: 5 (limit: 4523) Memory: 36.8M CPU: 789ms CGroup: /system.slice/wg-dashboard.service ├─495005 /root/WGDashboard/src/venv/bin/python3 ./venv/bin/gunicorn --config ./gunicorn.conf.py └─495007 /root/WGDashboard/src/venv/bin/python3 ./venv/bin/gunicorn --config ./gunicorn.conf.py Aug 14 22:21:40 wg sudo[494978]: root : PWD=/root/WGDashboard/src ; USER=root ; COMMAND=./venv/bin/gunicorn --config ./gunicorn.conf.py Aug 14 22:21:40 wg sudo[494978]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=0) Aug 14 22:21:40 wg wgd.sh[494979]: [WGDashboard] WGDashboard w/ Gunicorn will be running on Aug 14 22:21:40 wg wgd.sh[494979]: [WGDashboard] Access log file is at ./log/access_2024_08_14_22_21_40.log Aug 14 22:21:40 wg wgd.sh[494979]: [WGDashboard] Error log file is at ./log/error_2024_08_14_22_21_40.log Aug 14 22:21:40 wg sudo[494978]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root Aug 14 22:21:45 wg wgd.sh[494968]: [WGDashboard] Checking if WGDashboard w/ Gunicorn started successfully Aug 14 22:21:47 wg wgd.sh[494968]: [WGDashboard] WGDashboard w/ Gunicorn started successfully Aug 14 22:21:47 wg wgd.sh[494968]: ------------------------------------------------------------ Aug 14 22:21:47 wg systemd[1]: Started wg-dashboard.service.

    If you see Active: followed by active (running) since... then it means it run correctly.

  7. Stop/Start/Restart the service

    sudo systemctl stop wg-dashboard.service # <-- To stop the service sudo systemctl start wg-dashboard.service # <-- To start the service sudo systemctl restart wg-dashboard.service # <-- To restart the service
  8. And now you can reboot your system, and use the command at step 6 to see if it will auto start after the reboot, or just simply access the dashboard through your browser. If you have any questions or problem, please report it in the issue page.

Enable WireGuard configuration when WGDashboard start

You can add this in the service file. For example you want to enable wg0 when WGDashboard start

... [Service] ... ExecStartPre=wg-quick up wg0 ...

So now wg0 will start before WGDashboard starts.

Last modified: 09 October 2024